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In the Kool Zone

Safe Havens For Our Kids….

National Community Partnership (NCP) is one of the region’s leading public health, community building, and peace organizations. In the Kool Zone is an innovative NCP initiative that offers students, teachers, and parents the opportunity to work together to promote safe & healthy lifestyles among young people in the school  & community.


By participating In the Kool Zone, your school and community has the opportunity to create a safer learning environment and promote healthy lifestyles by enhancing the “No Use” position of underage drinking, drug use, violent behavior, and destructive decisions.  The "In the Kool Zone Campaign" is available FREE to schools (K-8) in the Greater Atlanta Region.



The In the Kool Zone Campaign was created to provide communities with a solid framework for supporting the growth and well being –not to mention the physical safety- of our young people.  The goal is to empower schools to create and/or implement programs that will actively promote safe & healthy lifestyles among students, teachers, and parents alike.


Kool Zone /’kul ‘zon/ n.  1.  An area designated for positive activities

                                            2.  A safe place to have fun


A Kool Zone can be designated almost anywhere.


There are four - Rulz of Kool - that make Kool Zone successful.  They are:


No Cussin’

No Fussin’

No Weapons

No Drugs



Step-by-Step Instructions to becoming designated as a In the Kool Zone® School:   


1.  Sign and submit to NCP the application and Resource Order Form.

In the Kool Zone Application Form (PDF)


2.  Create a Kool Zone Council of students and teachers to oversee the initiative’s implementation.

Consider inviting parents (PTSA), guardians, and community members to join as well.  If needed, your council should start by doing a needs assessment.  Reach out to student groups for ideas and involvement.


Kool Zone Council Guidebook (PDF)

Classroom Activiy (PDF)


3.  Have a majority of students, teachers and staff sign the Resolution of Kool.

Organize a presentation of the Resolution of Kool or Rulz of Kool to begin the program.  This can be done as part of a larger school event, during a school assembly or through individual classroom projects. Sign the Resolution or Rulz of Kool in our Event Planning/Resource Guide and display it in your school.   


In the Kool Zone: Rulz of Kool – for Elementary School (PDF)       

In the Kool Zone: Resolution of Kool – for Middle School (PDF)

Bring The Love Back® Campaign Poster (PDF)     


4.  Choose and complete at least three non-violence or health education activities throughout the school year.

When selecting activities, students and teachers can utilize the Kool Zone Event Planning/Resource Guide (PDF)  which has over 50 activity ideas and also includes information about responding to bullying and name-calling Anti-Bullying Checklist (PDF), dealing with cyber-bullying, and guidelines for nutrition and physical activity.  Or be creative and think of your own.


Before implementing a project, please fill out and submit the School Request for Project Approval Form (PDF).  An In the Kool Zone staff member will contact you to let you know whether the project has been approved.  After completing the project, please fill out the School Project Fulfillment Form (PDF).


Celebrate your school’s achievements by taking plenty of photos and videos!  Please have all photographed and videotaped students sign the required Release Form.  Photo Release Form (PDF).


5.  CONGRATULATIONS!  You have completed all activities and can now officially be designated as an In the Kool Zone school.

After completing three school-wide projects, you will be contacted by NCP to set up an In the Kool Zone designation ceremony.  In a school-wide assembly or other school function your school will publicly be declared In the Kool Zone and receive a sign and certification to commemorate this milestone,


Be Part Of It!!  Make It Happen In Your Community!







  • In the Kool Zone Application Form (PDF)

  • Kool Zone Council Guidebook (PDF)

  • Classroom Activity (PDF)

  • In the Kool Zone: Rulz of Kool – for Elementary School (PDF)  

  • In the Kool Zone: Resolution of Kool – for Middle School (PDF)

  • Bring The Love Back® Campaign Poster (PDF)

  • Kool Zone Event Planning/Resource Guide (PDF)

  • Anti-Bullying Checklist (PDF)

  • School Request for Project Approval Form (PDF)

  • School Project Fulfillment Form (PDF)

  • Photo Release Form (PDF)



Kool Zone / 'kul 'zon / noun1.  An area designate for positive activities.  2.  A safe place to have fun




25 Park Place  NE

Suite 207

Atlanta, GA 30303

Bring The Love Back - Nasir feat. DJ Bill E. Kool
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